Sunday, August 23, 2009

Something I never thought I would do!

See this 100 ft cliff. Yea it is very tall. Especially to me. If you know me you know that I am deathly. Really deathly afraid of heights. I have had many embarassing moments due to my fear of heights. Well you'll never guess what I did. Nope never.
Good things I have photos to prove it!

This is me crying and holding on for dear life. James was AMAZING.
I would never have ever been able to do it without him.

Still holding on for dear life!

Not the best view or all that atractive but I don't care. I have proof that I did it!
At this point I was told to look down. Nope I didn't look once. I was afraid I would pass out!

This picture was before we started the hike. All smiles not sweaty or full of fear.
At the start of the hike I was like ok self you can do the hike. Yes your out of shape but you can do the hike to the top and then hike back down again. Not in my wildest dreams did I think I would rappel. The hike up was a tough hike going up and I knew it would be even harder coming down. So the option of hiking down and making someone else hike down with me was not a fun option and rappeling was not a fun option. I will admit I cried out loud and even more inside. I whined inside mostly but some how I did it. My team was amazing and helpful. Some how I did it. I have been so proud of myself. I have been on a high. I have thought a lot of limitations I put on myself. I know I am still deathly afraid of heights but maybe... just maybe I will try and be more adventureous try to live a little more out of my box.
A shout out to Travis. You inspired me.


The Lowthers said...

Yay Jeanie! you are so amazing!! What an accomplishment!! Way to go!!

Travis Atwood said...

Wow! Nice job! You should feel very proud of yourself. That was not an easy thing to do. Keep being adventurous :)

Anonymous said...

Jean, All I can is WOW!!! You are amazing!!!
love, shallon

Colett (*.*) said...

I am sure you are much stronger than you realize, I like to think that we all are! Great job, you are an inspiration, I am not even afraid of heights and I don't think I would do this

Sienna said...

Jeannie that's so neat that you did it. I would never be able to do it if i had an extreme fear of heights like you do. You should be way proud of it. Never under estimate the power of yourself.

Kim said...

WOW! I am so impressed! Way to face amd conquer your fear. What a good example you are. I am proud of you. I can't believe Sammy is 16. Tell all your family hello! Looks like life is treating you good.

bestark said...

You have always inspired me and here you go again!

The Mama said...

Im so proud of you! I know how huge this was for you! My palms got clamy for you looking at these pics! Awesome Jeannie!