Monday is the best and worst day of the week. Monday's are Aaron's P-Day's and the day I get my email for the week. It seems like I live from Monday to Monday each week. If I receive a good email it is a great week and the week flies by. If my Monday email brings news of discouragement I spend the week worrying and praying extra hard. My week then seems like it last forever.
The time I get an email varies from week to week.
Sometimes I get my email from Aaron around 11 or 12 and sometimes it's earlier and occasionally it's around 2 or 3. Well today I haven't gotten my email yet. Hopefully the reason is that Aaron is off having fun and playing soccer or they went on a fun adventure.
It seems that Mondays I spend the entire day checking my email. I am always hoping that I can catch Aaron while he is emailing. If I catch him on the computer occasionally we can send emails back and forth. I love that. I know that he is on a computer and so am I. It is the only time I am sure of what he is doing. I also seem to get better answers to my questions.
While I was waiting I thought I would write this blog about my Mondays. I'm sure when Aaron gets home in November I will miss my Monday email. But for today I am just wishing he would send me my Monday email. It is sooooo hard to wait all day to hear from my boy.
I love you Aaron and I miss you like CRAZY!!!!!!!
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