Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sometimes you need to throw away the list!

Today I had planned on getting a lot accomplished. You know the usual.
Clean the house. Do laundry. The usual Saturday list.
Sometimes the best days are days when we abandon the list and go with the flow.

Today was a day where I went with the flow.

Today was a great day.
Kinsey hasn't been sleeping well and she hasn't felt well and hasn't eaten much because of being sick. She asked if I would take her to Rice King in Provo. Rice King has vegan food and she really likes it. In my mind my list of things I wanted to get done flashed and I almost said no we need to get this and that done.

But instead I said yes.

I am so glad I did. We had a great lunch and we had such a good talk. We both got fortunes that matched us both so well and we both kept them. Kinsey's said "put all your unhappiness aside and be happy". Mine said "stop worrying and take a chance".

After lunch we went to the Provo Farmers Market. It was so fun. It reminded me a little of New York street fairs. There was produce and food and jewlery and great music and lots of interesting things.

We really had a great time we bought some corn. (Kinsey's favorite) and some jewlery (cheap and unique). We also listened to some music. There was a fun band playing and as we walked further on there was this guy singing with his guitar. It was really mellow music. The kind that is sad but beautiful. It was a guy by the name of Colby Stead. We listened for awhile and loved it and decided we needed to buy a CD. We bought the CD and listened to it while we drove around and ran some errands. We both chose the song No as our favorite song.

While running errands we saw this old guy on a bike who had a grocery sack full of bread. We couldn't figure out what he was doing but after a while realized he was feeding the birds. It was so interesting to observe this. It struck Kinsey and I. He was doing a good deed that many driving around accomplishing their list might not see.

Kinsey and I had such a good talk about noticing things in life and how important small things or small acts are.

It was a great day! Kinsey thank you for taking me out of the norm of the day and giving me an adventure. It was such an interesting good day. I love you Kinsey for opening my eyes to things I might not other wise see. For being kind hearted and for seeing the best in others that I might other wise over look or view in a different way.


Sienna said...

You really do need to throw away the list sometimes. Making time for those things is so important.