Saturday, March 7, 2009

Will you accept this Rose?

This past week was a tough week. Not sure the main reason really just little things that add and add until it all seems too much. Or maybe just girl issues. Who knows. Neil knew I was having one of those weeks and he was so sweet to me. One day I was at work and crazy busy. It seemed that everyone needed something from me all at once. 

My sweet Neil brought me a single rose to work and the card read " Will you accept this rose" This is an inside joke and well from "The Bachelor."  It was so sweet it made me cry. Ok I had been crying most of the week but these were good tears.  

I hate that I haven't figured out how to handle life better. I feel that I am getting older or as my kids would say I'm old and I just feel I should have a better grip on life. Or at least have learned some skills to cope better. Ok besides eating or avoiding.

Besides I have a really good life. I am so blessed. I have a wonderful husband who is not perfect but who is perfect for me. I have a wonderful son who tells me he loves me every day and is always trying to make me smile. I have two beautiful daughters who are amazing and unique and so tender hearted and kind. They all love me and challenge me to want to be better to try harder.

This time of year seems like the weather changes match my mood changes. Anyone else have this problem? 

I have decided my new coping skills are to...

Not watch the news.
Not check our retirement or investment accounts.
Not balance the check book.
Not look in the mirror while at the gym (please explain why there are mirrors everywhere?)
Not walk down the Easter candy isle.

Find a class on web design. (my business sure needs me to have computer skills)
Eat healthier.
Exercise more. (even with mirrors)
Find more friends.
Be more out going. (I have lost some of this as I get older WHY?)
Listen better.
Spend more time with extended family.
Do more fun and spontanious things. (Any suggestions)

Above all live up to my new years motto.  I want to live...


Christine said...

What a sweet thoughtful husband.

Kim said...

Yes, I'd have to agree Neil is one of a kind! Every time I hear the things he does I have to report back to Jason. Maybe someday he will catch on. So good to see your blog and catch up on your family. I love the Warners! I can't believe how old your girls are getting. Emilee is now the age that your girls started babysitting for us and it scares me. When I see them I realize how fast time flies and I better hold on to what ever time I have. You have such a great family and I know it comes from their great mom! I have always looked up to you. I Love all the fun things you guys do together. I am ready for some warm weather too! The Sunshine and a Cadbury egg will make us all feel better!