Saturday, June 13, 2009

Swimming With the Dolphins

This was for sure the kids favorite thing of the trip.
Kinsey has had this as a dream to swim with Dolphins. Dream come true!
Sammy Charmer with the Dolphin. He is smiling.
Aaron was a little timid at first..but loved it.
This is the Dolphin push. Each Dolphin pushes on a foot and they take you flying for a ride.
Look at her face. She is loving it. Kinsey for sure went the highest.
Sammy Charmer going for her ride.
Aaron doing the Dolphin dance.
The dolphins warmed up to Kinsey right away.
Sammy dancing.
The dolphins were so cool. My favorite part was watching the kids faces. They were all smiles and glowing. On the plane ride home Kinsey was writing in her journal and she turned the page to show Neil. She had written her bucket list and on it was swimming with the dolphins and she had checked it off. That made Neil smile just as big as she had with the dolphins.


bestark said...

Big kids are the best! Yours are good looking too!

Heidi said...

I'm so jealous! That looks like a blast. Your whole trip sounds like where we need to go for our next vacation.

bestark said...

I just watched your slide show - it was great! You take awesome pictures.