Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer Thunder Storms-Thoughts

Sammy took this picture the other night. The sky was bright with lots of clouds. It is haunting yet beautiful. I love summer storms. Thunder and Lightening. 

In some ways storms scare me. A lot scares me. Tops on the list heights, closed in places, my children getting hurt, someone sitting on my feet, mice and the list goes on and on. I really have some phobias.

Lately I have been a bad blogger. It takes time and for some reason I always think I need a photo to tell the story and I am always forgetting my camera. Sammy told me the other day I need to blog more so I updated July birthdays and am caught up so now I can blog about whatever. It is theraputic to blog and journal my life. I try not to share too personal of stories but sometimes I get typing and I forget this goes out to others. Because mostly I blog for me. It is my only journal.

This photo struck me as how I have been feeling lately. Bright light moments and dark stormy moments. I think that is life. I need to learn how to better handle the storms of life. 

I read this blog by Sherrie Johnson. I don't know her personally but I have followed her for awhile and I learn so much from her. 

New You

One of the lovely results of living in Truth is that all things, including your past, become new to you. Christ changes you and your life. As Paul explains it, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” ( 2 Corinthians 5:17). This is so true.

As we let go of hurts and offenses and negative ways of viewing the world, we make room in our hearts for new thoughts and new emotions. And through those new thoughts and emotions we see our past, our present, and our future differently. Instead of seeing how we were hurt, we see how others were hurting. Instead of feeling victimized, we feel remorse for what we did to contribute to poor relationships or situations.

At first this sounds like merely an exchange of bad feelings, but it is a release. As we let go of heavy, painful things, we experience an escape from bondage and unnecessary pain. We climb out of the dark Pit into the light of Truth and joy where we are free to express our true selves and feel and use the power of positive emotions to shape our lives and interact with others.

Letting old things pass away—handing them over to the Savior to take care of instead of carrying the burden of them around ourselves—is freedom. The death of the negative allows the birth of the positive.


I so need to live in truth and let go and hand things over to the Savior. I know I need to. I want to. But the how to do it. Really do it is something I am needing to learn.


bestark said...

Thanks Jeannie, you are an inspiration. I really like that quote from Sherrie Johnson - good timing.

foot surgeon Birmingham said...

nice post!thx for sharing!