Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Day!

New Years Day started with us all sleeping in... A late New Years Eve!
We got up and we decided we wanted to see a movie. So the girls Kinsey, Sammy, Celeste and I went to see Twighlight. It was mine and Kinsey's first time seeing it. Sammy and Celeste had seen the movie several times. The boys stayed home to watch football.
Well I guess they got tired of just watching.
This is what we came home to.

They had gotten every blanket and pillow in the house and moved the couches so they could play the stair game. When we got home they recruited Kinsey to play with them.
Eason was such a tough guy. He loved playing. Brevan and Cora were not so sure.

Kinsey, Aaron and Eason. The un-stoppable team.
Matt and Neil were the defense. They were tough but...
Not tough enough... Aaron, Cora and Eason block and Kinsey SCORES!

Kinsey and Aaron even talked Celeste and I into playing. 
Those photo's are not for the viewing public. 
But we helped CRUSHED Matt and Neil.
We then moved on to ROCK BAND! Rook and some other fun games.

Celeste and Cora. The singing DUO!

Aaron helping the fans clap along to the music.


Heidi said...

We love holidays!!! Looks like you guys had a PARTY! I was in bed well before 4 though.