Friday, December 26, 2008

Ginger Bread Houses

The girls love to put together ginger bread houses. They want to have them every year. 
They especially like to have contests to see who can make the best house.
Aaron and Grandma
Kinsey hard at work.
Tykie sure loves his Grandma.
Kinsey, Sammy and Neil's house. They claim they were the winners.

Aaron, Grandma and my house. 

Neil traded teams when the other house was broken.
I went and fixed the other house and he came to the girl team.
This is a fun tradition even though we usually just throw them away.
We have so much junk food around. 


Melissa said...

Cute gingerbread houses! We do this too but only every other year when my mom makes the gingerbread for us - - it's so fun! Looks like your family is having a great time with everyone home for Christmas this year.

Colett (*.*) said...

You are just too stinkin sweet to think of us on your treat delivery route. If chocolate is involved you can be my stalker anytime! Thank you sooooooo much for the yummy chocolates and a shout out to your family.