Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Good and busy Day!

Today Aaron spoke in two sacrament meetings...
Our stake has a spanish speaking ward and today Aaron spoke in their sacrament meeting.
He spoke Spanish and he did such a good job. I didn't understand any of the words he said but I could still feel the special spirit that was there.
As I sat in sacrament meeting and since I couldn't understand any of the words I had time to ponder. The church is the same no matter the language or where the meeting is being held.
The music is still beautiful. There was Christmas music and it was fun to try and sing in Spanish and to think of Aaron having been away from home for two years and that the last two Christmas seasons he sang these same songs in Spanish.
The sacrament was still the same and I renewed my covenants even in Spanish. The Young Men who passed the sacrament were amazing. They all had suits on and were dressed so sharp. They were so precise and reverent. It was really something to see.
Aaron had many people come up to him after the meeting to greet him. He was handed a name and phone number and an invitation to dinner from a family who thought he might be missing the food from Mexico.
Aaron also spoke in our old Lindon ward. The ward we attended when he left on his mission. It was fun to go home. That's how it felt. We had many people come up to us and greet us. Especially the older members who loved Neil as the Gospel Doctrine teacher. We saw old neighbors and people the girls babysat for. It was fun to visit.
Aaron did a great job of talking in both sacament meetings today. It is so fun to hear his testimony and see the man he has turned into. Aaron I am proud of you.


Colett (*.*) said...

I love your blog, I can tell that your family is very close, (I miss Neil's lessons, Matt and I boycotted sunday school for awhile after he left) congrats on your son being home, your post about his new truck made me teary! Your girls are so beautiful, you can be my stalker anytime because I will be one of yours now.

Sienna said...

Dang Aaron's going to be a pro at public speaking before long!