Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thanksgiving, Holiday Decorations

We took photo's on Thanksgiving but our computer is eating photo's. (I guess it's hungry too)

Here is a quick update...

It was so nice after two years to have Aaron home for Thanksgiving. It was a really nice day. The boys went and played football in the morning and we baby sat Matt's kids. They were so cute. They watched the parade with Kinsey and then they helped me make rolls. We had Thanksgiving at Grandma's this year and that was nice. We missed those who weren't there in the family. We love you all.

Sammy was sick all day and she didn't eat anything or wasn't able to get out of bed. I felt so bad for her. She was in bed her entire Thanksgiving break. Kinsey had the same sickness and it was horrible for both of them. Sorry Girls.

I am thankful for so many things this year. Especially my family. It is so nice to be together.

I have a lot to be Thankful for. I am so blessed.

Our tradition is to put up Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving each year. Sammy was still not feeling well. Kinsey was a big help. She took Randilee and Hayley shopping at 1:30 in the morning. They had a good time shopping then they came back and help decorate.

Randilee was tired after the early morning shopping trip.
Hayley is our designated helper. She sleeps over ever year on Thanksgiving night and helps us decorate. I think she has done it for as long as she is old. Thanks Hayley for all the help.
Kinsey thanks for all your help and for being such a kind and loving person.
The finished product. Well done girls. We have a real tree again this year. They smell so nice. 
I just hope this year it doesn't die like last years tree.